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Happy New Year

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year !
I'm so excited to be entering this new year with so much more knowledge and information
about my hair and haircare in general.
I cannot tell you how grateful I am to be a reader of so many amazing blogs, you have all taught me something valuable which will/has contributed to my hair journey.

When I created this blog was really when I properly started my hair journey, and I was actually serious about wanting to care for my hair. Since then my wants for my hair have completely changed, my priority is know longer getting my hair to certain lengths (don't get me wrong, I love the fact that my hair is getting longer) but, this year for me is going to be focused on getting my hair really healthy and eliminating my breakage and my horrible ends situation. 

I am happy to share that my breakage problem has gotten a lot better, I remember times last year dreading to detangle my hair because of the amount of hair I know I was going to lose, but now although I still hate detangling, I'm learning different methods to keep breakage at a minimal.

That's it from me,
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a happy new year
take care
        Shereen x


  1. Happy New year hun
    I hope your enjoying your hair journey, im currently going through one to and i have learnt a lot from your blog. Found it very interesting.
    :) Thanks, Now following
    Kiwi ..x

  2. Your comment has made my day!
    I'm so happy I have managed to pass on the information I have learnt from others to you! :)
    Thanks for taking the time to read and follow my blog, Im going to have a little nose at yours now :) x

  3. Happy New to you as well. Stumbled upon your blog. We have quite a few things in common pertaining to our HHJ. I too am transitioning to texlax and trying to be BSL by February too. I'm now a follower of yours. Please check out my blog when you get a chance:-)

  4. Sorry not sure why my hubby name is popping up LOL. I'm at healthyhairbyspecialk.blogspot.com


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