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Better Late Than Never!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

I'm so excited I finally got round to buying this book. I haven't read it yet (too many university chapters I need to catch up on first), but I've had a quick flick through and it just looks so informative!

I ordered the book from Amazon UK, and I was a little disappointed  because, Amazon claim the pictures are in colour, so when I received mine and it was black and white I was upset thinking they sent me the wrong version of the book.
Apparently the description of the book was wrong and Amazon only do the book in black and white.

Oh well, I'm still very excited to read this book, I can't wait to share some new hair knowledge!

Would love to hear what you guys think of the book if you have read it?


  1. I bought my color version off Amazon.com...not sure if maybe the us site has it and the uk site doesnt.

  2. I agree, it probably doesn't, such a shame, but the book is still pretty amazing haha :)

  3. omg, i am so close to buying this book! please let us know what you think of it :) i really want to know whether it'll provide new information or if it's just a book of basics (you know, something you could join a hair board for free to learn about :P). so awesome that you got it though!

  4. omg, i am so close to buying this book! please let us know what you think of it :) i really want to know whether it'll provide new information or if it's just a book of basics (you know, something you could join a hair board for free to learn about :P). so awesome that you got it though!

  5. Hello, glad you like the book. I also got mine from Amazon UK but it's in coloured. One has to be careful and make sure to order the "Special Edition" either in Hardcover or Paperback. I was told it helps to be able to see the pictures in coloured so I went for the coloured one in Hardcover.

    There are 4 on Amazon UK
    Black and White Paperback
    Black and white Hardcover
    Coloured Paperback
    Coloured Hardcover

  6. No way!
    The guy on amazon clearly had no idea what he was speaking about then, I kinda wish I had the coloured one haha, but never mind, the content is still the same. Thanks for your comment


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