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Free Hair Diary

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Hello ladies, hope your all well :)
For some time now I've been meaning to buy myself a diary to document my hair, (tracking what products I use, how my hair responds, that sort of thing).
Then I thought to myself, 'Shereen are you really going to go out and waste your money on something, you will forget about doing?' hmm, so then the idea popped into my head, why not just use Microsoft Word?
I already have it so I'm saving money, plus I'm always on my laptop so I will have no excuse not to fill out my diary every time I do something to my hair.

In the past I can remember being so annoyed with my hair because I never knew what products my hair liked and disliked, so I would just use anything random and hoped for good results.
With this hair diary I hope to learn all the secrets about my hair!

Do any of you ladies have a hair diary/journal?


  1. Hey Shereen :) My blog is technically my hair dairy/journal, but I do use Word to keep track of written tips, techniques, info, etc. I find online--the page they're on is entitled "Hair Notes." Great (and budget friendly) idea about using Word as a journal, especially for those who don't feel comfortable blogging.

  2. Great minds think alike! I do the same thing, copying and pasting useful info haha.
    Thanks for the comment :)

  3. I just finished your tag, Shereen! And I have a hair journal too...well, not specifically but I have a journal where I write all my goals and how close I am to accomplishing them and things that will help me get there. And since my hair is a goal, it goes in the book. :)

  4. I love your blog! Glad I found it. Keeping a hair diary is such a good idea.

  5. @*My Healthy Hair Journey Thank you hun! That means alot, I have such a hair crush on you haha I love your blog too :)


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