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One Moisturiser Isn't Working Good Enough? Try Two!

Sunday, 14 October 2012

I would have to proclaim finding a good moisturiser has been a little difficult on my hair journey. Sometimes I have used moisturisers in the past, and the results have been just 'ok', my hair would feel soft from my deep conditioner, but I would always look for that extra something from my moisturiser.

I have seen the best results from moisturising when using the green house effect/baggying. When using these methods I would normally go for water based moisturisers and they often contained glycerin. 

Last night I moisturised the new growth of my hair using s-curl, and applied a little s-curl to the length of my hair, but then I also applied elasta qp mango butter on top and proceeded to seal with coconut oil.

To see the true effect of this combination I didn't baggy or use the green house effect, I just tried my hair using my satin scarf. This morning I was pleasantly surprised to some soft feeling hair (woop!).

In the 'hair literature' (I give this name to the collection of blogs, forums etc I read), ladies have said glycerin draws out moisture from the air into your hair in warmer months, but in colder months the reverse happens and the moisture is actually drawn out from your hair? (correct me if I'm wrong here).
*In more simple terms, glycerin is a humectant.

So I find myself in a little predicament  I seem to have good results when using products containing glycerin, however I do not want to use a product that will be diminishing the moisture content in my hair. So then I was thinking would the effect of glycerin drawing out the moisture of my hair be smaller if I continue to use the elasta qp mango butter on top?

The Natural Haven has been a great source on this issue, the authors suggestion is that glycerin can be used all year round without causing negative effects. I think for me, I will continue to use my s-curl as the months get colder with extreme caution, if I notice my hair is beginning to feel dryer, I will stop and move onto something else.


  1. I'm loving the Elasta QP Mango Butter... loving your blog !

    1. wow thank you! That means a lot coming from you!!

  2. I think it's fine to use glycerine in the Winter months as long as you don't use too much of it. I don't really change the products I'm using (which include glycerine) during the winter and I haven't noticed drier hair

    1. Thanks for your comment Lesley, I agree, I haven't noticed drier hair either, which is good news :)

  3. I use two moisturisers as well, a more liquidy one, then a thicker cream and then I seal with an oil; my hair seems to like this.

    1. I think my hair is temperamental, one moment it likes something, then it changes it's mind lol.

  4. LMBO @ 'hair literature' I like that! I may steal, er um, borrow that term from you! Glycerin-based moisturizers don't work for MY hair in the colder months but some ladies love it year round.


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