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One Lovely Blog Award

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Yay the lovely Jen from JustGrowAlready, awarded my blog with this award.
Check out Jen her blog is amazing!
Following the rules of the award I have to share 7 facts about myself and pass on the award to 15 other blogs 
- Im in the second year of a psychology degree (one more year to go woo!)
- Im 19, 20 in august 
- I LOVE! chocolate, I would argue I'm addicted lol
-I'm an aunty, my lovely niece is 4years old
-I love lawyer programmes, the good wife, the firm love them!
-I HATEE people who cannot walk properly, people who don't watch were their going, just people who do not pay attention when their walking urgh!!
- I have never tried cheesecake :o!

I Tag...

Have fun!


  1. I gasped out loud at number 7! LOL.. Cheesecake has a special place in my heart, especially red velvet cheesecake, yum!

    Whoop whoop for psychology! It was one of my majors in college :)

  2. Thank you sooo much! You have got to try a slice of cheeschake! BTW I am so interested in studying pyschology, I want to be a pyschiatrist.

  3. I love lawyer programs too and you have GOT to try some cheesecake~it is so delicious :-). Yay for psychology~that was my minor.

  4. Lol I am sooo addicted to chocolate too.. I also HATE people who cannot walk properly. It's like sometime if you walk at the edge of the sidewalk and someone is walking towards you, and doesn't even attempt to move so that u get pushes out in the road.. im like wtf? haha

    anyway thanks for awardning me hun :D xxx

    ps. i tried cheescake the first time like 1 year ago.. its soo nice!

  5. Thanks for tagging me hun
    And i cant believe you haven't tried Cheesecake :o
    Kiwi ..x


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